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Science Lab


The Faculty is committed to satisfying children’s great curiosity about the world in which they live. Science at the Step by Step School offers the opportunity to be curious, to question, to investigate, to formulate hypotheses, design and carry out experiments, make observations and record results. There are 8 Science Laboratories across Junior and Senior School. Apart from dedicated Science Labs there is a separate Integrated Science Laboratory for Middle School.

Math Lab​


In the Jodo Gyan Math lab  we help students in developing  confidence  while using  mathematical concepts and skills, which will enable them to cope with the practical, mathematical demands of everyday life. We hope  to project mathematics as a positive and enjoyable experience as well as an important part of the curriculum. Students learn to work in a systematic way, both independently and within groups, using imagination, initiative and flexibility of mind.

Computer Lab


The school has state of the art IT infrastructure which includes a computer lab for students  at a 1:1  system student ratio and campus wi-fi. The  future plans include a 24×7 datacenter equipped with multiple servers which will  provide ERP services to the staff members, students and parents.



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